Hurricane G dies at 52 after battle with lung cancer

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Rapper Hurricane G passes away at age 52 following a lung cancer struggle.

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In a previous version of this article, it was claimed that Hurricane G appeared on tracks by Redman, such as "Dare Iz a Darkside."

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She was in fact a featured artist on the song "We Run N.Y." from the album "Dare Iz a Darkside."

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Hurricane G, a New York rapper famous for tracks like "El Barrio" and "Underground Lockdown," has passed away after a lung cancer struggle.

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G's daughter's father, fellow rapper Erick Sermon, acknowledged her passing on Sunday in a message shared on Instagram.

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Sermon said on Instagram, "My heart is hardened today."

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I'm going to miss talking to her on the phone and hearing her say, "Domingo, you got that funky a— fire for me or what motherf—'..." Gloria "Hurricane G" Rodriguez, rest in peace.

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